Monday, 16 July 2012


Oh My Gosh!!!!!!!!! Mckenna is home!!! It took 7 days for her to come. I love her so so so much! I have no regrets in buying her at all. Her hair is so so so so pretty and soft!!
Sorry the picture is sideways.
She is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 9 July 2012

UPCOMING Series on Youtube

I am making a series on youtube and the only hint I'm giving you about it is, Felicity becomes a wizard!! It's going to take a while to make it so don't get anxious!

Friday, 6 July 2012

Guess What!!!!

I recentely got a YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!!!!Please check it out, my youtube name is    agstopmotionmagic

Saturday, 30 June 2012


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just ordered Mckenna this morning off of American Girl!
I jumped for joy when I found out I was aloud to get Mckenna.  Here's the story,so I was just looking at American Girl doll videos on youtube when SUDDENLY! My mom came up to me and said''me and your dad where talking and decided that I was aloud to buy Mckenna!!!!'' I was the happiest girl on earth!!
Mckenna hasn't arrived yet(obviously)but should come in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

New Things

I took my doll outside on a sunny day and made a stop-motion!

I put my doll in my shoes and it looks funny!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Dolls I Want

These are the dolls I want...  I want Mckenna first                                




I Want To Go To HAWAII!!!

I really,really,really want to go to Hawaii, sooooooooo badly. I'll tell you why............ my friend went to Hawaii in 2011 and she said "It was super fun and warm!". Hawaii and I have lots in common. For example................  I loooooooove COCONUTS!!!!!! I've always wanted to swim with dolphins and whenever I dream about Hawaii I think how pretty our hotel room will be. I will want to hula and buy lots of clothes. I WILL definitely bring Felicity. (I want to go to Hawaii way more than that.)